Please note that we do charge for some services
Our Services

Blood Pressure Monitoring
High blood pressure is not something you can feel, so often it is called the 'silent killer'. We can help you keep track of it with our blood pressure monitoring service.
This service may be suspended during times of peak Covid-19 transmission to protect you and us.

Return of Unwanted Medicines (RUM)
Unsafe disposal of expired and unwanted medicines can be dangerous and contaminate the environment. The Return Unwanted Medicines Project (or The RUM) is a free and convenient way to dispose of your unwanted medicines.
Sharps (needles) need to be taken separately to you local Council office.

Scripts on File and Re-order Service
Leave your prescriptions with us, ring through your order or order via MedAdvisor. On the app you can select the medicine you need (if kept on-site) or attach an electronic token, and we will dispense your order ready for collection.
Keep track of your medicines with MedAdvisor (available on the Apple Apps or Google Play Store - free).
You can download MedAdvisor by clicking here

Consumer Medicines Information and ADHD-specific advice
Medicines can be complicated. Our pharmacists can give you accurate medicines advice tailored to you, especially when it is a new medicine. We can also provide you with printed medicines information or show you where to find it online.
One of our pharmacists is ADHD specialised for more detailed advice in multimodal ADHD care.
You can also find medicines information by clicking here

Pharmacist Vaccination Service
Two of our pharmacists are vaccination accredited and can safely administer: Covid-19 vaccines (we offer Moderna), Influenza vaccines, Meningococcal ACWY, measles-mumps-rubella and pertussis-containing vaccines. We also administer the shingles vaccine and RSV vaccine.
Different age-restrictions apply to varied vaccines so contact us if you have eligibility questions. Costs may apply depending on vaccine.

Home Medicines Reviews & In-Store Medicines Reviews
When you are on five or more medications, we can do a Medscheck or Diabetes Medscheck service in the pharmacy. The pharmacist will go through all your medications with you and make sure you are confident why you are using them and discuss any question you may have.
For a Home Medication Review, the doctor will write a referral letter and a consultant pharmacist will come your home and do the Medication Review.

Webster-pak for Community Patients
Our Webster-pak Community Multi Dose pack is the perfect solution for individuals who take multiple medications, to ensure they take the right dose at the right time. These packs organise your doses for each day and time of day and help make complex medication regimens easy to manage.
Costs apply.

NDSS National Diabetes Services Scheme
We are a Diabetes Australia accredited sub-agent. We can provide subsidised needles, pump consumables and blood testing strips on your NDSS membership.
Ask at the front till counter and our friendly staff will look after you.

Inhaler Technique Assistance
With so many inhalers now available, it is easy to get confused with how to use them correctly. Let us show you and you'll see that sometimes even a small adjustment can make a big difference.
Also let us know if we can assemble some inhalers for you or help with spacers.

Take Home Naloxone Program
We have registered for this program, and will be able to supply those at risk of opioid misadventure with free Naloxone nasal sprays. Sometimes medication errors occur, especially when controlling complex conditions, and with this spray the effects of overdose can be delayed till help arrives.
Think of it as peace of mind for your loved ones.